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- Sikes Hydrometer (1)
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- Smoothing Plane (1)
- Snuff box (1)
- Souvenir Spoon (1)
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- WW2 Militaria (1)
- Walking Stick (1)
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- List
- Grid
562 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
A large collection of hand tools, to include axle stands, spanners, and air tools, housed in five
A large collection of hand tools, to include axle stands, over 200 metric Whitworth and AF spanners, a box of stainless steel nuts and bolts and a...
A collection of power tools, to include a bench grinder, a B & D jigsaw, a Bosch detail sander,
A collection of power tools, to include a bench grinder, a B & D jigsaw, a Bosch detail sander, and a Florabest chainsaw, with chain oil, housed i...
Nine boxes of ceramic floor tiles along with a quantity of loose tiles all with various designs, a
Nine boxes of ceramic floor tiles along with a quantity of loose tiles all with various designs, a tub of adhesive and grout, also a 2.5kg bag of ...
A Clima four section surveyor's ladder, 408cm with each section measuring 102cm.
A large collection of hand tools, to include a shoe last and a joiners brace, housed in four boxes. (4)
An Abru three-way step ladder, four HTS alloy platform steps, a B & D workmate plus, a Focus workbench and a Tooltec Trolley, boxed. (5 Items)
A collection of motoring related accessories, to include, two car ramps, a Paddy Hopkirk under car
A collection of motoring related accessories, to include, two car ramps, a Paddy Hopkirk under car crawler, a trolley jack, a Thule roof bars, and...
A collection of tools, to include, a McKeller 185mm circular saw, a McKeller jigsaw, a Powerfix file
A collection of tools, to include, a McKeller 185mm circular saw, a McKeller jigsaw, a Powerfix file set, an Amtech electrician's set, and a Halfo...
A collection of hand tools, to include, clamps, builder's tools and cleaning products, housed in
A collection of hand tools, to include, clamps, builder's tools and cleaning products, housed in four boxes. (4 Boxes and 2 Saws)
A large collection of power tools, to include, three extension leads, a B & D heat gun, a sander,
A large collection of power tools, to include, three extension leads, a B & D heat gun, a sander, and an outside light fitting, housed in one bag....
A collection of electrical items, to include extension leads, battery chargers, a fan heater and a
A collection of electrical items, to include extension leads, battery chargers, a fan heater and a torch, housed in two boxes. (2)
A collection of electrical items, to include, a Tower carpet washer, a ceiling fan, two kettles, a
A collection of electrical items, to include, a Tower carpet washer, a ceiling fan, two kettles, a car polisher, and a grooming set.
A collection of hand tools, to include, a trolley jack.
Axminster morticer pillar drill 230v 1HP serial number 1839.
Tormek super grind water cooled grinding machine 230v, also an Axminster 230v 250w 2950rpm wet stone
Tormek super grind water cooled grinding machine 230v, also an Axminster 230v 250w 2950rpm wet stone grinder.
APTC thickness planer 230v 1500w 1ph.
Elu boxed 240v 1850w router, also an Elu boxed 240v biscuit jointer.
A red metal case containing a selection of carbide tipped router bits, a wooden box containing six
A red metal case containing a selection of carbide tipped router bits, a wooden box containing six Blue Tornado router bits, another wooden box co...
A selection of carpenters tools to include a Stanley No 4 wood plane, Stanley-Bailey No 5 wood
A selection of carpenters tools to include a Stanley No 4 wood plane, Stanley-Bailey No 5 wood plane, Record No 50 rebate plane, tow wooden mallet...
A Makita BHR 200 24v SDS drill with battery and charger, a Makita 9.6v cordless driver drill with
A Makita BHR 200 24v SDS drill with battery and charger, a Makita 9.6v cordless driver drill with battery and charger, also an empty Makita alumin...
A collection of clamps to include plastic spring glamps, 'G' clamps, bench clamps, six Record sash
A collection of clamps to include plastic spring glamps, 'G' clamps, bench clamps, six Record sash clamps, also a Swordfish bench vice.
A boxed Paslode Impulse IM 350/90 CT battery nail gun, also a boxed Paslode Impulse IM 250 battery
A boxed Paslode Impulse IM 350/90 CT battery nail gun, also a boxed Paslode Impulse IM 250 battery nail gun,
A metal military mortar box dated 1953 66cm (L) x 24cm (H) x 24cm (D), a DeWalt plastic tool box
A metal military mortar box dated 1953 66cm (L) x 24cm (H) x 24cm (D), a DeWalt plastic tool box 54cm (W) x 36cm (D) x 41cm (H), a wooden saw hors...
A Stanley Bostitch HP2 240v air compressor, a Stanley Bostitch air nail gun, also boxed Stanley
A Stanley Bostitch HP2 240v air compressor, a Stanley Bostitch air nail gun, also boxed Stanley Bostitch angled finish nails.
A boxed Strait-Line stud finder, a 50m hand held tape measure, a Wagner Dutch oven casserole dish,
A boxed Strait-Line stud finder, a 50m hand held tape measure, a Wagner Dutch oven casserole dish, also a Ghillie kettle.
A large box containing a selection of flooring veneers with various finishes, also a selection of
A large box containing a selection of flooring veneers with various finishes, also a selection of iron on edging.
Seven boxes of Paslode Impulse IM350 nail gun nails and fuel cells, three boxes of Stanley-Bostitch nail gun galvanised coated nails, further boxe...
A boxed large Porter Cable air nail gun, a boxed smaller Porter Cable air nail gun, also a boxed
A boxed large Porter Cable air nail gun, a boxed smaller Porter Cable air nail gun, also a boxed Accuset A200BN air nail gun. (3)
A boxed Bosch POF 500A router, a boxed APTC router bit set, a boxed micrometer 75cm in length,
A boxed Bosch POF 500A router, a boxed APTC router bit set, a boxed micrometer 75cm in length, also a boxed binocular microscope BM-51-2.
A MacAllister tool box containing a selection of carpentry hand tools, a Forge Steel carry tool
A MacAllister tool box containing a selection of carpentry hand tools, a Forge Steel carry tool box containing a selection of brick laying tools,...
A Midland 40 channel CB mobile transceiver, a Stalker VI 80 channel CB two way radio, a Harvard 410T
A Midland 40 channel CB mobile transceiver, a Stalker VI 80 channel CB two way radio, a Harvard 410T CB 27/81 hand held set, also a pair of boxed ...
A Ferm FSMC 200-150 240v bench grinder, a Bosch CSB 850 240v drill, a Bosch PSB 750 240v drill, a
A Ferm FSMC 200-150 240v bench grinder, a Bosch CSB 850 240v drill, a Bosch PSB 750 240v drill, a Bosch PST 50E 240v jigsaw, a Hitachi 240v belt ...
A forge metal garden gate with hinges 72cm (W) 163CM (H), two forger metal garden railings 66cm (
A forge metal garden gate with hinges 72cm (W) 163CM (H), two forger metal garden railings 66cm (H) 124CM (L), forge metal boot scraper, two cast...
Door and window furniture consumables to include door closers, handles, hinges, shoot bolts, access control units, mortice locks, corner brackets,...
A selection of carpentry hand tools to include a shoulder plane, screwdrivers, chisels, hammer,
A selection of carpentry hand tools to include a shoulder plane, screwdrivers, chisels, hammer, auger drill bits, tile cutter, glass carrying suct...
An Axminster WHRP 240v router table with attachments model number 951227 88cm (H) 65cm (W), also a
An Axminster WHRP 240v router table with attachments model number 951227 88cm (H) 65cm (W), also a Triton multi stand 77cm (H),
A Scheppach ts 4010 240v table saw bench with extendable table with attachments and spare blades,
A Scheppach ts 4010 240v table saw bench with extendable table with attachments and spare blades, 85cm (H) 68cm (D) 89cm (W), also to include an A...
An assortment of caravan related equipment, to include, an Aquaroll water carrier, a waste water
An assortment of caravan and garden related equipment, to include, an Aquaroll water carrier, a waste water carrier, an Isabella magnum moonlight ...
A large collection of power tools, to include, a Parkside soldering station, a Parkside soldering
A large collection of power tools, to include, a Parkside soldering station, a Parkside soldering gun, a Parkside sharpening station, a Black and ...
A large collection of tools, to include, a snow shovel, a car polisher, Record sash clamp, and a
A large collection of tools, to include, a snow shovel, a car polisher, Record sash clamp, and a Shark floor mop, amongst others.
A large collection of hand tools, to include, a Stanley plane, together with a quantity of pliers,
A large collection of hand tools, to include, a Stanley plane, together with a quantity of pliers, screwdrivers, and spanners. (4 Boxes)
A large collection of tools, to include, a Karcher pressure washer, a Migatronic welder, amongst
A large collection of tools, to include, a Karcher pressure washer, a Migatronic welder, amongst others.
A pair of ABRU Starmaster double extending aluminium ladders, extend to 5.56m.
An assortment of carpenters tools, to include, a Stanley drill, a bow saw, and a quantity of planes,
An assortment of carpenters tools, to include, a Stanley drill, a bow saw, and a quantity of planes, housed in two boxes. (2)
A collection of engineers tools, to include, adjustable spanners, a pipe cutter and a grease gun.
A collection of engineers tools, to include, adjustable spanners, a pipe cutter and a grease gun.
A collection of carpenters tools, to include, an inlaid brace, combination planes, and a Record 07
A collection of carpenters tools, to include, an inlaid brace, combination planes, and a Record 07 plane, housed in two boxes. (2 boxes)
Fourteen vintage blowtorches, makers to include, Ronson and Monitor.
An assortment of tools, to include, a cut-all saw, tape measures, and a workshop electric multi-
An assortment of tools, to include, a cut-all saw, tape measures, and a workshop electric multi-tool, housed in four boxes. (4 boxes)
An assortment of electrical test equipment, gauges and torches, to include a post office lamp,
An assortment of electrical test equipment, gauges and torches, to include a post office lamp, housed in two boxes. (2 boxes)
A collection of carpenters planes, to include, a Stanley, No. 71, in box, alongside Rabbet and
A collection of carpenters planes, to include, a Stanley, No. 71, in box, alongside Rabbet and smoothing planes.
A collection of blowtorches and stoves, to include, a Bahco Primus camp stove, two keg taps, stove
A collection of blowtorches and stoves, to include, a Bahco Primus camp stove, two keg taps, stove spares and service tools, together with a Wells...
A collection of carpenters tools, to include, an inlaid brace, a Record 41 plane, and Victorian
A collection of carpenters tools, to include, an inlaid brace, a Record 41 plane, and Victorian print blocks, housed in two boxes.
An assortment of measuring and marking instruments, to include, an Otis Kings pocket calculator,
An assortment of measuring and marking instruments, to include, an Otis Kings pocket calculator, wind speed monitors and micrometers, amongst othe...
An assortment of carpenters chisels and gouges, to include, two carver's mallets, two oilstones, one
An assortment of carpenters chisels and gouges, to include, two carver's mallets, two oilstones, one is an American Norton Washita stone, and Reco...
A Norton-Clipper CS1 P10 road saw
A collection of 'Mag-Lite' (USA) handheld torches of various sizes, together with a collection of
A collection of 'Mag-Lite' (USA) handheld torches of various sizes, together with a collection of mid 20th century cased Rolls razor sets.
Garage wall racking steel plates used in conjunction with associated plastic containers, 3x90x50cm, together with four banks of small storage hol...
A 20 ton air/manual hand jack, appears unused.
A collection of hand tools to include pipe benders, mallet, spanners, screwdrivers, Hilka socket
A collection of hand tools to include pipe benders, mallet, spanners, screwdrivers, Hilka socket set, grease gun, oil can, files, brace and bit, d...

562 item(s)/page