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641 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
An extensive collection and of significant interest to velologists : Four hundred and fourteen UK
An extensive collection and of significant interest to velologists : Four hundred and fourteen UK vehicle licence tax discs, dating from 1923 thro...
A gent's stainless steel Breitling B-2 automatic chronograph calendar wristwatch, ref. A42362, the navy blue dial with luminous dot hour markers, ...
Two gent's Rotary Chronospeed quartz calendar wristwatches, one stainless steel, the other black ceramic, cases 42mm, together with three more gen...
A Beseler Topcon Super D 35mm camera with RE.Auto-Topcor 1:1.8 f=5.8cm lens, RE.Auto-Topcor 1:3.
A Beseler Topcon Super D 35mm camera with RE.Auto-Topcor 1:1.8 f=5.8cm lens, RE.Auto-Topcor 1:3.5 f=13.5cm lens and RE.Auto-Topcor 1:2.8 f=3.5cm l...
A Canon A-1 35mm camera, with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens, Canon power winder and Canon data back attached.
A Nikon F 35mm camera, with Nikkor-S Auto 1:1.4 f=50mm lens and Nikon Photomic Ftn finder.
A Nikkormat 35mm camera with Nikkor 50mm 1:2 lens.
A Nikon FM2 35mm camera with Nikkor 50mm 1:1.8 lens and 52mm Nikon filter.
A Canon AE-1 Program 35mm camera with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens and Hoya 52mm 1B skylight filter.
A Canon AE-1 Program 35mm camera with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens and Hoya 52mm 1B skylight filter.
A Canon AE-1 Program 35mm camera with Canon FD 28mm 1:2.8 lens.
A Canon AE-1 35mm camera with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens.
A Canon F-1 Montreal 1976 Edition 35mm camera with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.4 S.S.C. lens.
A Canon EF 35mm camera with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens.
Two Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SP II 35mm cameras with two Takumar 1:1.8/55 lenses, Super-Takumar 1:1.
Two Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SP II 35mm cameras with two Takumar 1:1.8/55 lenses, Super-Takumar 1:1.5/135 lens, Super-Takumar 1:3.5/28 lens and two ...
A Canon AV-1 35mm camera with Canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens, Topcon RE-2 35mm camera with RE.Auto-Topcor 1:1.8 f=5.8cm lens, Yashica FR 35mm camera in ...
A small collection of 35mm cameras to include Yashica TL-Electro with Yashinon DS-M 50mm 1:1.
A small collection of 35mm cameras to include Yashica TL-Electro with Yashinon DS-M 50mm 1:1.7 lens and Jessop 52mm skylight 1A filter, Yashica TL...
A small collection of Russian Zenit and Fed 35mm cameras to include Zenit TTL with Helios-44M 2/58
A small collection of Russian Zenit and Fed 35mm cameras to include Zenit TTL with Helios-44M 2/58 lens, Zenit-C with Industar-50 3.5/50 lens, two...
A small collection of Russian Zenit 35mm cameras including Zenit-B with Industar-50 3.5/50mm lens, Zenit-E with Helios-44-2 2/58mm lens, Zenit 12X...
A collection of 35mm cameras, lenses and accessories to include Zenit EM with Helios -44-2 2/5.
A collection of 35mm cameras, lenses and accessories to include Zenit EM with Helios -44-2 2/5.8 lens, Zenit 11 with Helios-44M 2/58mm lens, Tokin...
Three Yashica Electro 35 35mm cameras with Color-Yashinon DX 1:1.7 f=45mm lenses, six wide angle and telephoto Yashikor adapters for Yashica fixed...
A Yashica camera carry case containing Yashica Electro 35 35mm camera with Color-Yashinon DX 1:1.
A Yashica camera carry case containing Yashica Electro 35 35mm camera with Color-Yashinon DX 1:1.7 45mm lens, shutter release cable, manuals, tele...
A quantity of pocket 35 mm cameras including Minolta 24 Rapid, two Ricoh 500 ME cameras, Canon AF35M, Canon Mega Zoom 76, Canon Sure Shot, two Pen...
A collection of 35mm camera accessories including Topcon double rail bellows Model-3, Asahi Pentax bellows unit, Prinz bellowscope, another bellow...
A quantity of German and Russian 35mm cameras to include Zorki 5 with -50 1:3.5 f=5cm lens, Zorki 6 with 2/50mm lens, Zorki 4 with 2.8/52mm lens, ...
A quantity of Russian 35mm cameras to include three Zorki-4K cameras with Jupiter 8 2/50mm lenses,
A quantity of Russian 35mm cameras to include three Zorki-4K cameras with Jupiter 8 2/50mm lenses, Zenit with Helios-44 2/58mm lens and a Zenit-B ...
A quantity of 35mm SLR cameras including Konica Autoreflex T with Hexanon 1:1.8 52mm lens, Miranda Sensomat RE with Miranda 1:1.9 f=5cm lens, Topc...
A quantity of SLR 35mm cameras including Minolta SRT 101 with MC Rokkor-PF 1:1.4 58mm lens, Canon AV-1 with FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens, Canon FTb with FD ...
A collection of 35mm SLR cameras to include Canon T80 with Canon zoom lens AC 35-70mm 1: 3.5-4.
A collection of 35mm SLR cameras to include Canon T80 with Canon zoom lens AC 35-70mm 1: 3.5-4.5, Canon T70 with FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens, Canon T50 wit...
A quantity of Russian 35mm SLR cameras including a Zorki-4 with Jupiter-8 2/50mm lens, Miranda Sensorex with EC 1:1.8 50mm lens, Fed-3 with 2.8/52...
A collection of 35mm cameras to include Ilford Sportsman, Zenit-E with Helios-44-2 2/58mm lens,
A collection of 35mm cameras to include Ilford Sportsman, Zenit-E with Helios-44-2 2/58mm lens, Prinzflex Super TTL with Auto Reflecta 1:1.7 55mm ...
A collection of 35mm SLR and rangefinder cameras including Zorki 1 with fixed 1:3.5 50mm lens, Fed-2 rangefinder with 2.8/53mm lens, Contax Zeiss ...
A collection of 35mm SLR and pocket cameras to include Hanimex Topcon RE Auto with UV Topcor 1:2.
A collection of 35mm SLR and pocket cameras to include Hanimex Topcon RE Auto with UV Topcor 1:2.8 50mm lens, Canon Canonet-QL19 with SE 45mm 1:1....
A quantity of 35mm cameras including Praktica BX20 bundle with associated lenses, Pentacon MC 70-210mm, manual, etc, Fujica 35 Auto-M, boxed, Cano...
A collection of 35mm cameras and camera accessories to include Miranda Fv with Auto Miranda 1:1.
A collection of 35mm cameras and camera accessories to include Miranda Fv with Auto Miranda 1:1.9 f=5cm lens, Tamron 28-70mm 1:3.5-4.5 lens, Auto ...
A collection of assorted 35mm camera lens hoods, lens filters, optical filters, Russian MIR-1 2.
A collection of assorted 35mm camera lens hoods, lens filters, optical filters, Russian MIR-1 2.8/37mm lens, 3.5/135mm lens, Auto Mitakon MC 1:2.5...
A Gent's Longines Presence stainless steel and gold plated quartz calendar wristwatch, case 31mm
A group of Gent's stainless steel wristwatches, including Skagen, Sekonda, Tissot and Pal Zilerri,
A group of Gent's stainless steel wristwatches, including Skagen, Sekonda, Tissot and Pal Zilerri, several pairs of cufflinks
A pair of 20th century Japanese cloisonne enamel vases on turned stands, overall 24 cm high
A modern Moorcroft Tudor rose bulbous vase, dated 1992, height 13.5 cm
A Royal Crown Derby bluebell calf paperweight with gold stopper, height 12 cm
A modern Moorcroft Loch Hope vase, dated 2004, height 9 cm
A 19th century blue and white transfer printed tea cup and saucer with overpainted decoration
A 19th century blue and white transfer printed tea cup and saucer with overpainted decoration depicting Oriental scenes, saucer 14 cm
A Clarice Cliff for Wilkinson Ltd Bizarre square stepped dish, width 23 cm
A Lladro figure of a seated ballerina with cat on oval plinth, 20 cm high
A Lladro figure of a lady cradling a lamb, number 1278 on circular plinth, height 25 cm
A Lladro figure of a lady holding a basket of apples and further figure of a girl holding a piglet
A Lladro figure of a lady holding a basket of apples and further figure of a girl holding a piglet
A Lladro figure of a puppy in a boat, numbered 6642 and a further Nao group of three swans
A 20th century Japanese cloisonne vase depicting storks in flight on carved wooden stand, height 24 cm together with a scalloped edged bowl and li...
Two Royal Worcester figurines, 1997 figure of the year Serena and Anniverary 1998 figure of the year 'A day to remember'
Three Royal Doulton figurines 'Janet' HN 1537 'Alice' HN 2158 and 'Picnic' HN2308
Three Royal Doulton figurines 'My Love' HN 2339, 'Pretty Ladies Elaine' HN 4718 and 'Ashley' HN3420
Four Royal Doulton miniature figurines, Penny HN 2338, Sara HN 3219, Ninette HN 3215 and Karen HN 3270 together with a further Continental figuri...
A René Lalique Coquille opalescent glass bowl, signed R Lalique France, diameter 13.5 cm
A Caithness glass paperweight and a group of Swarovski crystal miniature animal ornaments
An Indian cast and engraved brass figure of Tiger, length 23 cm
A group of British Crowns, pens, coins, badges and medals, ARP whistle, EPNS cutlery, CH Weiss mouth organ, two RAF dog tags named Heathcote 14790...
A quantity of British and foreign coins, embroidered cloth badges, pair of silver cufflinks, small Meerschaum pipe in the form of a hand holding a...
A group of folding knives, Crowns, AA badge, compact, Ingersoll and Smith pocket watches, wristwatches, costume jewellery etc
An Eccles protector type 6 miner's lamp
Thermotor : Four Pedestrian Control Units : 2 x Toucan Nearside Repeater Units, together with 2 x NSH Small Box Repeaters, all with fitting bracke...

641 item(s)/page